1950 in Aviation History

1950 in Aviation - Picture

1950 in Aviation Information

1950 in aviation

This is a list of aviation-related events from 1950:


Arrow Air is founded.
The Brazilian Navy begins to reestablish an air arm of its own when an aeronautics directorate is created within the Ministry of the Navy.


March 20 - Royal Air Force Avro Lincoln bombers are sent to Singapore to be used against the Communist guerillas of Malaya in the Malayan Emergency.


April 8 - Soviet Lavochkin La-11 shoots down an American PB4Y Privateer over the Baltic Sea with all 10 crew lost.


June 1 - BEA commences the first regular passenger service to be flown by helicopter, between Liverpool and Cardiff.
June 25 - Korean War breaks out
June 25 - The USAF begins evacuating US citizens from South Korea
June 27 - A USAF F-82 Twin Mustang shoots down a North Korean Air Force Yak-9, the first air-to-air kill of the Korean War.
June 27 - USAF B-29 Superfortresses of the 19th Bombardment Group attack Seoul railway station and the bridge over the Han River in the first strategic bombing mission of the war.
June 28 - USAF B-26 Invaders fly the first strike mission into North Korea.
June 30 - P-51 Mustangs of No. 77 Squadron RAAF are sent to Korea as part of Australia's contribution to the war.


July 3 - F9F Panthers of VF-51 flying from USS Valley Forge (CV-45) become the first U.S. jet fighters to go into combat. A North Korean Yak-9 is shot down.
July 3 - Supermarine Seafires of 800 Naval Air Squadron and Fairey Fireflys of No, 827 Sqn from HMS Triumph fly the first non-US sortie over Korea.
July 18 - The Peruvian Aviation Corps is reorganized to become the Peruvian Air Force.
July 23 - aircraft carrier USS Boxer crosses the Pacific Ocean in record time, from Alameda, California to Yokosuka in 8 days 16 hours.
July 25 - Middle East Airlines "Dakota" aircraft was on its way from Jerusalem to Beirut when an Israeli military aircraft opened fire at the Lebanese-Israeli border. The radio operator "Antoine Wazir" was hit by a deadly bullet while sitting in his chair near the pilot.
July 29 - a BEA Vickers Viscount makes the first turboprop-powered passenger flight on the route London(Northolt)-Paris(Le Bourget).


August 3 - United States Marine Corps air operations over Korea commence, with VMF-214 flying strike missions from USS Sicily
August 27 - P-51 Mustangs of No. 2 Squadron SAAF are sent to Korea as part of South Africa's contribution to the war.


September 4 - Cpt Robert Wayne becomes the first pilot to be rescued from behind enemy lines by a helicopter.
September 15 - Task Force 7, centred on five US Navy carriers and one of the Royal Navy, supports the USMC assault on Green Beach, paving the way for the Inchon landing.
September 22 - Col David Schilling makes the first non-stop crossing of the Atlantic in a jet fighter, a F-84 Thunderjet.


Soviet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15s from the 29th Fighter Aviation Regiment are supplied to support the North Korean Air Force. They are flown by Soviet and Chinese pilots.
October 1 - the Royal Danish Air Force is re-established
October 20 - US paratroops cut off supplies from Pyongyang (North Korea)


November 1 - In the Korean War, United States Air Force F-51 Mustang fighters report coming under fire by Soviet-built MiG-15 jet fighters. It is the first encounter between United Nations forces and the MiG-15.
November 7 - BOAC retires its last flying boat airliner from service.
November 8 - In the Korean War, the first jet-vs.-jet combat takes place, between United States Air Force F-80C Shooting Stars and Soviet-made MiG-15s. USAF First Lieutenant Russell Brown shoots down a MiG-15, the first victory by a jet over another jet.
November 9 - Flying an F9F Panther, United States Navy Lieutenant Commander W. T. Armen shoots down a MiG-15. It is the first victory by a U.S. Navy jet over another jet.


December 6 - C-47 Dakotas of 13 Flight Royal Hellenic Air Force evacuate US casualties from the Chonjin Reservoir.
December 9 - RAAF Gloster Meteors replace the P-51s of 77 Sqn. in Korea
December 17 - The United States Air Force F-86 Sabre fighter begins operations in the Korean War; four F-86s engage four MiG-15s and shoot down one of them.

First flights


January 13 - Mikoyan-Gurevich I-330, prototype of the MiG-17
January 19 - Avro Canada CF-100 RCAF 18101
January 24 - North American YF-93


March 26 - XA2D Skyshark


April 4 - Jodel D11 F-BBBF
April 18 - Convair XP5Y-1 BuNo 121455 - first turboprop-powered flying boat to fly
April 30 - SNCASE Grognard


May 5 - Scottish Aviation Prestwick Pioneer prototype G-AKBF
May 10 - de Havilland Heron G-ALZL


June 16 - FMA IAe 33 Pulqui II
June 19 - Hawker P.1081 VX279


October 10 - Boulton Paul P.111 VT935

Entered service


July 29 - Vickers Viscount with BEA


August 6 - Handley Page Hermes with BOAC

1950 in Aviation Pictures

More aircraft.

Source: WikiPedia

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